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Parry & Drewett - Energy Performance Certificate

An Energy Performance Certificate is a legal requirement and if you are selling or letting a property then your agent will need to be able to provide a buyer or a tenant this certificate.

What is an EPC ?

An EPC is an asset rating and tells you how energy efficient a building is and its impact on the environment. Properties are rated on a scale of A-G where an A rating is the most energy efficient. The England & Wales average for an existing dwelling is 52. Homes which are rated more highly should have lower impact through their Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. The Certificate will also include recommendations on methods by which you can improve your home's energy efficiency, which can save you money and help the environment. EPCs for commercial buildings are also required.

An EPC is valid for upto 10 years. A property can be marketed immediately once you have commissioned an Energy Performance Certificate. If an existing EPC is used nearing the end of its legal life (for example, 9 years and 11 months old), it will remain valid for as long as the building is continuously marketed. But if the property is temporarily taken off the market for more than 28 days, a new EPC will be required to replace it if it's more than 10 years old when you resume marketing. A new EPC supersedes an older one.

Darren Ayres is a qualified domestic energy assesor (D.E.A) and can carry out EPC's for residential properties. He and can be contacted on: 020 8391 3969

click here to email Darren to arrange an EPC

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